6 Pieces Of Evidence That Jesus Rose From The Dead

Evidence #1: Written Evidence

Those who saw Jesus after his resurrection wrote individually about his birth, life, death, burial, and resurrection.

These writings were collected then compiled in the Bible.

Evidence #2: Eyewitnesses

Those who wrote about seeing Jesus after his resurrection claimed to be eyewitnesses of his resurrection.

Evidence #3: Interactions

Those who were eyewitnesses claim to have talked with Jesus after his resurrection, and they claimed to have eaten with him and touched him.

Evidence #4: Transformed Lives

Those claiming to see Jesus after his resurrection experienced transformed lives…they were never the same.

Evidence #5: Terrible Deaths

Those claiming to see Jesus after his resurrection died terrible deaths as a result of their belief in the resurrection of Jesus.

To avoid death, they simply had to admit they were lying and did not see Jesus rise from the dead.

Yet, in the face of death, they continued to proclaim the resurrection, even to their deaths.

Evidence #6: There Is No Body

No one has ever produced the body of Jesus.

Some say it was stolen by the disciples or the women.

Yet if they stole the body, then they lived their lives based on a lie and died for a known lie.

If they stole the body, how did they evade the Roman soldiers?

How did they move the stone?

Where did they take the body?

What would be their motivation for taking the body?

If they stole the body, how do we explain their changed lives and their written documents?

How do we explain their proclamation of the resurrection in the face of death?

Wouldn’t their lies about the resurrection go against all that Jesus taught them?

Purposely deceiving thousands of people with a known lie would be in opposition to what they learned from Jesus.

Wouldn’t one of them had cracked under pressure?

Some say the body of Jesus was taken by the Romans, but the Romans had no reason to take the body of Jesus.

They, along with the religious leaders of the Sanhedrin, publicly crucified him.

They had no reason to take the body.

Why would they want to?

Their goal was to suppress the followers of Jesus from growing and multiplying into a movement.

Stealing or hiding the body of Jesus would only fuel the movement.

The fact that so many people over the past 2000 years have tried to explain away the resurrection tells us something happened.

Why try to explain away something that did not happen?

Something did happen.

Someone rose from the dead.

That someone is Jesus.

Through his death, he secured eternal forgiveness.

Through his resurrection, he secured eternal life.

Through belief in Jesus, you can

receive eternal forgiveness and eternal life.

If you have never trusted in Jesus for salvation, you can today.

Below is a simple prayer to express your belief in Jesus.

“Jesus, I believe you lived, died, and rose from the dead. I believe you died on the cross for the forgiveness of my sins. I believe you rose from the grave to give me eternal life. Today, I believe in you and what you did for me. I receive forgiveness and eternal life.”

To read more about the resurrection of Jesus, click on: Did Jesus Really Rise From The Dead?

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Brad Robertson

Brad’s passion is to reach people with grace and teach people about grace. If you enjoy Brad’s posts, check out his books on Amazon. Also, please consider making a donation to Gracereach to reach more and more people with the good news of grace. Thank you.


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Did Jesus Really Rise From The Dead?