A Simple Three-Step Method For Bible Study

One of the main mistakes Bible teachers make is teaching for application before observation and interpretation.

By teaching for application, they take a verse from its context and miss helping others comprehend the meaning of the verse or verses.

That is why it is important to follow this three step method for Bible study:

Observation - Who wrote the book or verse(s)? What is the context? When was it written? To whom was it written? What covenant/testament or dispensation was it written under? Is it prophecy for Israel or mystery for the church? Is it to Israel or the church? Is it law or grace, before or after the cross?

Interpretation - Why was it written? What does it mean? How did the original audience understand it? Does the Bible have more to say about this subject in other dispensations?

Note: A dispensation is a period of time. In certain dispensations, only certain foods could be eaten. However, in the dispensation of grace, all foods could be eaten. There were different food requirements for the dispensations of Adam, Noah, and Moses. Yet, with Peter, all foods could be eaten.

Additionally, under the dispensation of law, forgiveness was conditional. Under the dispensation of grace, forgiveness is complete in Christ. The dispensation of law is from Exodus 24 through the cross of Jesus, when his blood was shed to establish the new covenant of grace.

Application - Does it apply to us living in the age of grace? If so, how does it apply? Is there a current dispensational truth or principle or universal truth or principle that applies to our lives?

Even though this is a simple method for Bible study, it is often a time consuming process, requiring hours of study to comprehend its meaning and to accurately communicate it to those listening.

To listen to Brad teach through the books of the Bible as he follows this three-step Bible study method, check out his Podcast (available on most podcast platforms). - Gracereach with Brad Robertson

Brad Robertson

Brad’s passion is to reach people with grace and teach people about grace. If you enjoy Brad’s posts, check out his books on Amazon. Also, please consider making a donation to Gracereach to reach more and more people with the good news of grace. Thank you.


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