Are There Two Types Of Forgiveness? Judicial Forgiveness and Relational Forgiveness - PART 1

A common teaching in churches and ministries is there are two types, or categories, of forgiveness.

Type #1: Judicial Forgiveness - this is forgiveness that is a legal forgiveness which says God, as judge, has forgiven believers completely for breaking the Ten Commandments. One’s salvation is based upon judicial forgiveness.

Type #2: Relational Forgiveness - this is forgiveness that is relational forgiveness which says God, as Father, forgives believers continually for the day to day sins they commit and confess to God.

This is different than Judicial forgiveness.

With relational forgiveness, one’s fellowship with God is based upon daily confession of sins where forgiveness of sins is repeatedly extended by God and experienced by the believer based upon confession of sins, thus restoring fellowship with God. If a believer fails to confess a sin or sins then the believer remains out of fellowship (not in close relationship) with God.

Even though this is a traditional teaching of churches and ministries, is it a biblical teaching?

Let’s examine the scriptures for accuracy of the teaching of these two types of forgiveness taught in most churches and ministries.

During the life of Jesus, he told his disciples that unless they forgive others their heavenly Father will not forgive them (Matthew 6:14-15). In Matthew 18:35, Jesus adds that forgiving others must come from the heart and not just spoken with words.

Before Jesus died on the cross, he was with his disciples in the upper room and said he would pour out his blood to establish the new testament for the forgiveness of sins (Matthew 26:26-28; Luke 22:20).

Jesus was not referring to 27 books of the Bible when he said the new testament would be established in his blood; rather, he was speaking about a new way of relating to God where forgiveness was complete through his blood.

Jesus does not distinguish between two types of forgiveness when speaking about the new testament for forgiveness being established by his blood.

The writer of Hebrews explains forgiveness under the new testament (not books of the Bible but the blood of Jesus), stating that, “…where these sins have been forgiven, their is no more sacrifice for sins.”

The Hebrews writer makes it very clear that forgiveness through the blood of Jesus is full, final, and forever. He does not distinguish between judicial forgiveness and relational forgiveness. He makes no mention of two types or categories of forgiveness. He simply educates his readers about the eternal forgiveness of sins secured by the blood of Jesus (Hebrews 9:12; 10:17-18).

After Jesus died on the cross, the new testament went into effect (Hebrews 9:16-17). The writer of Hebrews writes the book of Hebrews to explain the fullness of forgiveness secured through the blood of Jesus that brings believers close to God. Again, he makes no mention of two types of forgiveness.

Following Jesus’ resurrection and ascension, he appeared to Paul on the road to Damascus. He sent Paul on a mission to the world with this message about forgiveness (Acts 26:17-18):

“I am sending you to them to open their eyes and turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, so that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in me.”

Notice in this verse that Jesus says forgiveness is received by faith in him. Also notice, Jesus makes no mention of two types of forgiveness.

We see Paul declaring this message in Acts 13:38-39 when he appeals to his audience to receive forgiveness through faith in Jesus.

Some may argue that both Paul and Jesus were speaking about judicial forgiveness and not relational forgiveness when they spoke about receiving forgiveness of sins through faith in Jesus.

In Part 2, we will examine the scriptures to determine if they teach two types of forgiveness.

Are There Two Types Of Forgiveness? Judicial Forgiveness and Relational Forgiveness - PART 2 — Gracereach

Brad Robertson

Brad’s passion is to reach people with grace and teach people about grace. If you enjoy Brad’s posts, check out his books on Amazon. Also, please consider making a donation to Gracereach to reach more and more people with the good news of grace. Thank you.


The First Picture Of Grace In The Bible


Are There Two Types Of Forgiveness? Judicial Forgiveness and Relational Forgiveness - PART 2