Because Jesus Rose From The Dead, You Are Forgiven Fully And Forever

When Jesus rose from the dead, he left your sin debt of death in the tomb.

Therefore, you are no longer in your sins.

You no longer have a debt to pay.

Jesus said your total sin debt was paid in full when speaking his last word from the cross, “tetelestai.”

According to Jesus, he personally paid your sin debt in full.

You receive this payment through faith in Jesus.

You are fully and forever forgiven of your sins.

When Jesus rose from the dead and exited the tomb, your total sin debt remained in the tomb.

Yet if Jesus had not been raised from the dead, then he is a false Christ, not the one of Jewish Scriptures, since these Scriptures said the Christ would rise from the dead.

And if Jesus has not been raised from the dead, then you still have a sin debt to pay.

1 Corinthians 1:15:17 says,

"And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins."

The point Paul is making in this verse is that because Jesus has risen from the dead, you are forgiven, fully and forever.

You have no sin debt.

Sadly, most believers continue to live as if they have a sin debt.

They continually ask God to forgive them.

This would be like paying a financial debt over and over again to a financial institution after the debt has been fully paid.

For example, let’s say I have many financial debts that I cannot pay, though I am making small payments each month.

But someone without any financial debts pays all my debts in full.

However, even though these debts have now been paid fully and forever, let’s say I continue to make small payments on these debts.

This would make no sense and would prevent me from enjoying the burden lifted from the payment of these debts.

Making these payments would reveal a lack of belief that all my debts had been paid and show a lack of gratitude they had been paid.

But what if I truly believed all my financial debts have been paid fully by someone else?

First, I would thank the person who paid the debt.

Second, I would stop making small payments for the debts.

Third, the weight of the debt would be lifted.

Fourth, I could now enjoy living in the joy and freedom of knowing all my debts were fully paid.

Millions of believers all over the world continue to ask God to forgive their sin debts, though their debts were fully paid for by Jesus.

They ask for forgiveness for individual sins on a daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly basis.

Yet their whole sin debt for all sins and for all time was nailed to the cross with Jesus.

When Jesus rose from the dead, their sin debt remained in the tomb.

So why do millions of believers all over the world continue to ask God to forgive them for sins when they have no sin debt?

Because their church and ministry leaders have taught them this is what they need to do to stay forgiven and in fellowship with God.

That makes no sense.

This type of teaching does not set people free but keeps them in bondage to a sin debt that doesn’t exist and that Jesus paid in full.

You have no sin debt.

Because you have no debt, you no longer need to continually ask God for forgiveness.

Rather, thank Jesus that he paid your sin debt in full and live in the freedom of knowing you are forgiven.

The truth is that because Jesus rose from the dead, you are no longer in your have no debt.

Jesus is the Christ the Scriptures said would come (Isaiah 9:9-6; Luke 1:32-33).

Jesus paid your sin debt in full when he died, just as they Scriptures said he would (Isaiah 53).

Jesus rose from the dead, just as the Scriptures said he would (Psalm 16:8-11; Acts 2:24-28).

When he rose from the dead, your total sin debt was left in the tomb.

You are fully forgiven forever.

So rather that asking God to forgive your sins, give appreciation to Jesus for paying your sin debts and begin living in the freedom and joy of knowing your sin debts have all been paid fully and forever by Jesus.

Brad Robertson

Brad’s passion is to reach people with grace and teach people about grace. If you enjoy Brad’s posts, check out his books on Amazon. Also, please consider making a donation to Gracereach to reach more and more people with the good news of grace. Thank you.


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