Can I Sin More So That I Get More Grace? Part 7

Romans 6:14 says,

For sin shall no longer be your master, because you are not under the law, but under grace.”

In Romans 6, Paul continues to write to those who are seeking to sin more so they can get more grace.

In verse 14, Paul writes that “sin shall no longer be your master, because you are not under the law, but under grace.”

This group of people were about to make the destructive decision to make sin the master of their lives…to put sin in charge of their lives, giving total control of their lives to sin.

They were about to surrender their lives to the control of this evil, wicked ruler named sin.

Many of us have heard the phrase “give sin an inch and it will become your ruler.”

This is a very true statement.

Sin wants to rule our lives.

Sin wants to ruin our lives.

Initially, sin (immoral living in Romans) poses as a friend, promising great pleasure.

Yet in the end, sin produces great pain.

Paul is telling this group of people not allow sin to rule your body...control your in charge of your body.

If so, they will become slaves to sin, under its domination and destruction.

Paul tells this group of people that slavery to sin happens when a person lives under the law, the Ten Commandments (See Romans 7:7-25) and that grace is given to set them free from this tyrant ruler named sin because it sets us free from the law.

Sadly, in the legalistic Christian world, which dominates many churches and Christian organizations and ministries, believers are told the exact opposite than what the Bible teaches.

They are told that to decrease sin in their lives and to free themselves from sin’s domination they should live by the Ten Commandments.

They are told to not focus too much on grace.

They are told an over exposure to grace leads to an increase in sin.

Paul teaches the opposite in Romans 6:14.

And remember, what Paul taught came from direct revelation from the ascended Jesus (Acts 20:24; 26:15-18; Galatians 1:10-12).

Paul taught people that God gave us grace to set us free from the law (the Ten Commandments) and from sin.

He calls this the law of sin and death in Romans 7-8.

Paul teaches that grace was given to free people from sin’s control because it freed people from the law.

Therefore, Paul is telling this group of people not to put themselves under what grace has set them free from...the law and sin.

He is telling them not to let sin be their master (control them by leading them into sin), because they are not under law-the Ten Commandments, but they are under grace-everything that Jesus did for them to bring them forgiveness, righteousness, and eternal life, and to reconcile them to God in a love relationship.

Brad Robertson

Brad’s passion is to reach people with grace and teach people about grace. If you enjoy Brad’s posts, check out his books on Amazon. Also, please consider making a donation to Gracereach to reach more and more people with the good news of grace. Thank you.


Can I Sin More So That I Get More Grace? Part 6


Can We Sin Now That We Are Not Under Law But Under Grace? (Part 1)