Christ Affection And Love For You

"Therefore if you have any encouragement in Christ...if any affection and compassion..." (Philippians 2:1-2)

Paul describes the love of Jesus as a love of affection and compassion.

The affectionate love of Jesus is a tender love, filled with emotion from deep within his heart.

It is the love of a parent to a child.

It is the of love a parent that desires to hold a child close in the parent’s arms because the parent holds the child close in his/her heart.

It is the affection of a Father eager to love a son who is lost, who excitedly runs to his son when he returns and then embraces his son with a compassionate hug.

The compassionate love of Jesus is the concern he has for you and his passion to care for you.

This is the love a shepherd has for his sheep.

It is a love that longs to provide and enjoys providing for the needs of the sheep of his pasture.

It is a love that desires to protect his sheep from the wolves.

It is a compassionate love that brings healing to the wounded and hope to the wandering.

This compassionate love of Jesus is seen in Jesus when he looked at the people with compassion in his heart, and said they were like sheep without a shepherd (Matthew 9:35-37).

They had been harassed and left helpless by the religious leaders of the day.

The compassionate love of Jesus wanted to protect the people from the religious wolves...the Pharisees and teachers of the law.

Jesus wanted to bring healing and hope to their lives.

The affectionate and compassionate heart of Jesus continues today.

With tender affection, he holds you close to his heart and tightly in his arms.

His feelings of love overflow from his heart to your heart.

His feelings of love and his embrace of grace are unconditional, having nothing to do with your past or present behavior.

With heartfelt compassion, he is concerned for you and cares about your every need.

He is the Shepherd of your soul (Psalm 23; 1 Peter 2:25).

He is the Good Shepherd (John 10:11).

He wants to protect you from the religious wolves who prey on your soul, who weigh you down with religious expectations.

He wants to heal you from the religious wolves who have wounded your soul (Matthew 12:20).

He is the Shepherd who leaves the 99 to look for the one wandering sheep (Matthew 18:12-14; Luke 15:4).

With love in his eyes, he is looking for you.

He wants to bring you back to his pasture of grace, to nourish your soul as you feed upon on all he has done for in laying his life down for you.

He wants you to feed upon the new covenant of grace (Matthew 26:26-28).

He wants you to drink in the new covenant of grace.

Eat upon and drink in his love, forgiveness, and righteousness freely provided for you in his pasture of grace.

Jesus loves you with affection and compassion.

Through faith...belief...receive it today.

Brad Robertson

Brad’s passion is to reach people with grace and teach people about grace. If you enjoy Brad’s posts, check out his books on Amazon. Also, please consider making a donation to Gracereach to reach more and more people with the good news of grace. Thank you.


Comforted By Christ’s Love


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