Don’t Drift From Grace

The writer of the letter of Hebrews exhorts those who had once embraced the new covenant of grace to not drift from it (Hebrews 2:1, 9).

Drifting from grace is drifting back into a religious system, spiritual disciplines, or legalistic church practices as the means for relating to God.

The new covenant of grace in Hebrews is relating to God based solely by faith in the finished work of Jesus.

It is resting in God's complete forgiveness.

It is enjoying fellowship with God 24/7, not because a person confessed all of his sins...

...or that he followed a set of spiritual disciplines emphasized at his church such as...








...this list goes on and on.

The new covenant of grace allows us to rest in and enjoy all that God has done for us in Christ.

Drifting is never intentional.

It just happens...slowly.

Then suddenly a person looks up and sees they have drifted far from where they were.

This happens with grace believers.

I have seen very good grace friends drift from grace when joining a church that mixed law and grace.

They began consistently hearing messages combining law and grace.

They began to hear messages taking verses out of context.

They got back under law.

They didn't know it.

They began relating to God from a place of works, pressure, guilt, fear, or pride.

They began putting forth effort to get what is free.

They drifted from grace...slowly.

They didn't realize it...many still don't.

I exhort all of my grace friends to be careful.

Do not drift from grace.

It can happen.

Stay connected to other grace believers.

Listen to grace Bible teachers and Pastors.

If you have drifted from grace, I have good news for you.

You are loved, forgiven, accepted, righteous, at peace with God, and are in 24/7 fellowship with God all because of Jesus.

Anchor yourself in these truths.

You do not have to do anything...Jesus did everything for you.

You do not have to earn anything...Jesus earned everything for you.

You do not have to fast or follow a set of spiritual disciplines to stay forgiven by God, remain in fellowship with God, or to get something from God.

By faith, anchor yourself in the truths of the new covenant and rest.

Brad Robertson

Brad’s passion is to reach people with grace and teach people about grace. If you enjoy Brad’s posts, check out his books on Amazon. Also, please consider making a donation to Gracereach to reach more and more people with the good news of grace. Thank you.


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