For God So Loved The World - John 3:16

The words of John 3:16 were shocking to Nicodemus.

Nicodemus was a Pharisee.

His goal in life was to obey the Two Great Commandments and the Ten Commandments so he could gain the righteousness needed for eternal life.

His view on those who lived sinfully by willfully and publicly breaking the Ten Commandments was God was angry with them and looked forward to removing them from the earth in his judgment and wrath.

So when Jesus said God so loved the world, Nicodemus was shocked.

How could God love those sinners?

How could God love those who willfully disobeyed the Ten Commandments?

How could God love those who didn’t love him?

How could God love those who openly and pridefully sinned?

How could God love those who silently and privately sinned?

Surely God doesn’t love them, Nicodemus thought.

But he does.

Jesus said he does.

The truth is we are all law breakers.

We are all sinners.

We have all broken the Two Great Commandments and The Ten Commandments.

Jesus highlighted this in his teachings.

If we have anger in our hearts toward others, we are murders (Matthew 5).

If we have lust in our hearts toward others, we are adulterers (Matthew 5).

We have failed to love God with all our hearts, soul, mind, and strength.

We have failed to love others as we love ourselves.

We have coveted others’ possessions

We have been envious of other people.

We have lied...disobey our parents...our personal sin list goes on and on.

Paul makes this point in Romans.

Paul makes the case that all are sinners.

Those who attempt to obey the Ten Commandments are sinners, because they do not obey the Ten Commandments; though they think they do.

Those who make no attempt to obey the Ten Commandments are sinners.

We are all law-breakers (Romans 3:19-20).

Paul writes that all have sinned...

...there is no difference between sinners

...we are all sinners

...we are all the same (Romans 3:23).

Like Jesus, Paul explained God loves sinners, which is all of us.

Through Jesus, God demonstrated his love for us by dying for our sins (Romans 5:8).

That’s love!

And this is the point Jesus made to Nicodemus.

“For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world would be saved through him.”

God sent Jesus to save us from perishing in judgment.

The judgment of God is the day God removes all sin and sinners from the earth.

This is the wrath of God.

The wrath of God is when he cleanses the world of all sins and sinners, resulting in world peace and joy.

No more more more more more death.

This day is coming.

God loves us so much that he wants no one to perish in judgment.

He demonstrated his love for us all when Jesus was condemned for us all in judgment.

The wrath of God was poured upon Jesus.

Those who trust in Jesus will not be judged but will have eternal life.

When we trust in Jesus, God no longer identifies us as sinners but as saints, those who have been declared by God innocent of all sins and purified from all sins; even though we still struggle with sin.

Those who reject Jesus will perish in judgment.

As long as they continue to reject Jesus, they are identified as sinners.

Yet God continues to love them.

When we look at the world, it may be easy to think God is angry with “those sinners.”

But the truth is he loves them.

When Paul looked at those who had not trusted Jesus, he didn’t see them from an earthly perspective but from a spiritual perspective.

He saw them as those for whom Jesus died (2 Cor. 5:14-16).

He was compelled by Jesus' love for them to tell them about his love.

He told them Jesus loves them and died for their sins.

His told them, as an ambassador of Jesus, God is not counting their sins against them because their sins were all counted against Jesus (2 Cor. 5:18-21).

He told them Jesus took their sinfulness upon himself and offers them his righteousness.

He told them Jesus took their guilt upon himself and offers them his innocence.

This is the message people who do not know Jesus need to hear.

For those who have trusted in Jesus and have eternal life, it is easy for us to look upon the people of the world as those God is angry with.

Possibly like Nicodemus.

But God is not angry with them.

He loves them.

Jesus said he does.

God sent Jesus to die for them so they will not perish but have eternal life.

As those who know God, lets tell those who do not know him how much he loves them, and he sent Jesus to save them.

If you have never trusted in Jesus for eternal life or are not sure if you have, you can trust him today. Below is a simply prayer to express your belief in Jesus for eternal life.

God, thank you so much for sending Jesus to die for my sins on the cross. Today I receive your forgiveness. I also believe that Jesus rose from the dead to defeat death. Today I believe in Jesus for eternal life.

If you trusted in Jesus today, please let Brad know. You can send him a message through the Contact Page.

Also, to learn more about the Bible and all that God has done for you through Jesus, there are many articles on the Blog Page and many audio and video teachings on the Teaching Resources Page.

Brad Robertson

Brad’s passion is to reach people with grace and teach people about grace. If you enjoy Brad’s posts, check out his books on Amazon. Also, please consider making a donation to Gracereach to reach more and more people with the good news of grace. Thank you.


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