Forgiveness Breaks The Power Of Satan

According to Jesus, the power of Satan grips the person who has not received God's forgiveness.

This person lives in the darkness, guilt, and shame of their sin.

The heart of Jesus is to see people freed from the powerful grip Satan has upon their lives and from the miserable darkness they live in daily, and start living in the light of God's love, forgiveness, and grace.

When people receive God's forgiveness, they are released from the power of Satan that grips them and the darkness that torments them.

In Acts 26:15-18, Jesus sent Paul to open the eyes of people to God's forgiveness by proclaiming to them their sins were forgiven and to encourage them to receive God's forgiveness:

"I am sending you to them to open their eyes and turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, so that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in me."

Notice, Jesus did not send Paul to tell people to ask God to forgive them.

Rather, Jesus sent Paul to ask people to receive God's forgiveness, which comes by faith in Jesus (Acts 13:38-39).

God is the one doing the asking, not us.

*NOTE: Before the cross, people asked God for forgiveness. After the cross, we accept God's forgiveness.

We simply receive forgiveness through faith in Jesus rather than request God to forgive us.

Our eyes remain closed to God's forgiveness as long as we continually ask God to forgive us.

However, our eyes are opened to God's forgiveness when we stop asking him to forgive us and simply accept his full forgiveness, which he has freely given to us in Jesus (Ephesians 1:6-8).

When we accept his forgiveness through faith in Jesus, and live in the awareness that we are forgiven people, we are released from the powerful grip of Satan and the shameful misery of darkness.

We begin living in the light of God's love, forgiveness, and grace.

If you are tired of living in the darkness of your sin...

If you are weary from living in Satan's powerful grip of shame, guilt, and condemnation...

If you are ready to receive God's forgiveness, place your faith in Jesus and begin living in the light of God's love, forgiveness, and grace.

If you have already placed your faith in Jesus, you have received his forgiveness.

Now believe it to be true…you are forgiven.

Brad Robertson

Brad’s passion is to reach people with grace and teach people about grace. If you enjoy Brad’s posts, check out his books on Amazon. Also, please consider making a donation to Gracereach to reach more and more people with the good news of grace. Thank you.


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