Free From Labels, Free To Love

We will live controlled by the labels we wear.

The labels we wear will control our thoughts, emotions, desires, attitudes, and decisions. We label ourselves according to our problems, addictions, sickness, race, hurts, past, social status, gender, political party, denomination, and the list goes on and on and on. How we label ourselves completely controls our lives.

How did Jesus label himself?

Jesus labeled himself as loved one of the Father. The Father's Beloved. Therefore, he lived a life of love...a loving servant who came to seek and save the lost by giving himself for us.

How does the Father label us?

We are called by the Father...

...dearly loved sons and daughters

...fully forgiven sons and daughters

...totally accepted sons and daughters.

We are his Beloved.

This is how we must label ourselves, for this is our true identity in Christ.

This identity heals and frees us.

If we label ourselves in any other way, then our misplaced identity will move our lives in a direction our loving Father never intended, keeping us in a place of hurt, pain, pride, selfishness, pity, and anger. Consequently, we will be controlled by our problems, addictions, sickness, race, hurts, past, social status, gender, political party, denomination, and on and on.

Jesus was only controlled by one thing...the Father's Love.

He was free from being labeled and controlled by anything or anyone. He was to to forgive... free to to serve. It was this freedom produced by the Father's Love that empowered him to change the world.

It is the Father's Love for us that will empower us to change the world.

The Father's Love will free us from all other labels. His love will heal us and free us to love, forgive, accept, and serve one another, just as Jesus loved, forgave, accepted, and served us. His love will free us from ourselves and the labels we wear, so that we are free to love, forgive, accept, and serve others, just as we are loved, forgiven, accepted, and served.

So think about.

How have you labeled yourself?

How has other’s labeled you?

Today, label yourself are a Beloved son or daughter of the Father... dearly loved, fully forgiven, and totally accepted. Live from this identity and watch healing and freedom come as the other labels fall away. Then, watch how your life impacts the lives of others in your part of the world.

Brad Robertson

Brad’s passion is to reach people with grace and teach people about grace. If you enjoy Brad’s posts, check out his books on Amazon. Also, please consider making a donation to Gracereach to reach more and more people with the good news of grace. Thank you.


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