Get Started!

There are many people who have an idea, a goal, or a dream. It has been in their hearts and minds for awhile. Yet, day after day, month after month, it just sits there, unmoved. Maybe that's you. You have a God-given idea, goal, or dream. But, it has been sitting in your heart and mind for a long time. Maybe you have an idea that could change your and others' lives. Maybe you have a goal of getting your education. Maybe you have a dream of starting your own business or church. Whatever that idea, goal, or dream is, here are five tips to GET STARTED.


You may not have a large place in which to start. Did you know that some of the best companies started in a garage? Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft started in a garage. Lakewood Church in Houston started in a feed store.

There is a verse in the Bible that says, "Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin, to see the plumb line in Zerubbabel’s hand." Zerubbabel had a God-given passion, a dream to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem after it had been destroyed. How did he start? He started small and eventually saw the temple completely rebuilt.

You may not have all the answers. You may not know how it will all work out. You may not have all you need to finish. But you have a God-given idea, a God-given passion, and a God-given dream. Just GET STARTED.


Where are you? Start there. Start in your home. Start in your city. Start in your church. Just GET STARTED!


You may not have much money. Start with the money you do have. You may not have much time. Start with the time you do have. You may not have much room. Start with the room you do have. You may not have much experience. Start with the experience you do have. Just GET STARTED!


You may know very little about what you are doing. But you do know a little. Take the little you do know and GET STARTED. And what you don't know, ask. Ask people along the way for insight, for understanding, and for help. God will put the right people, in the right place, at the right time for you to provide for all that you don't know.


It is easy to wait and wait and wait before we ever get started. But, if we keep waiting for all things to be right, and, if we keep waiting until we have all that we need, then we will never get started. Now is the time to stop waiting and to GET STARTED.

I am sure Bill Gates when he started in his garage didn't know all that was needed for the Microsoft Corporation. But he started small. He started where he was, with what he had, and with what he knew. Now, we see today the company he built and the legacy he left.

And Zerubbabel, he knew enough to get started on the foundation of God's Temple. He, too, started small, where he was, with what he had, and with what he knew. And before long, people were rejoicing in the rebuilt temple.

And you, start now. Start small where you are, with what you have, and with what you know. And one day, your God-given dream will become your God designed destiny. Just GET STARTED!

Brad Robertson

Brad’s passion is to reach people with grace and teach people about grace. If you enjoy Brad’s posts, check out his books on Amazon. Also, please consider making a donation to Gracereach to reach more and more people with the good news of grace. Thank you.


Think Small!


Keep Moving!