Goodbye Guilt, Hello Grace!

Guilt...the miserable feeling inside us when we have done something wrong. We have all been there. We know the feeling.

Many people in the Bible knew the feeling, too.

Adam and Eve knew it.

Cain knew it.

Noah knew it.

Abraham knew it.

Moses knew it.

David knew it.

Zacchaeus knew it.

The woman at the well knew it.

The immoral woman knew it.

The woman caught in adultery knew it.

The man outside the temple knew it.

Peter knew it.

Judas knew it.

Paul knew it.

You know it...I know it.

It's a miserable feeling!

We shake our head in disgust...disbelief in our decisions.

We know we are guilty.

Guilt wants to hang around us...

…accusing us

…condemning us.

We can't let it hang around...if we do, guilt will beat us down further and keep us down longer.

We have to tell guilt goodbye.

But how?

How do we tell guilt goodbye?

We tell guilt goodbye by telling grace hello!

We make a decision to hang around with grace and listen to the voice of grace...the voice of Jesus, telling us everything he has done for us through his death for all our sins - taking all of our guilt and providing us all his innocence.

Grace tells us we are loved.

Grace tells us we are blessed.

Grace tells us we are justified...not guilty.

Grace tells us we are forgiven.

Grace tells us we are accepted.

Grace tells us we are under no condemnation.

Grace tells us we are innocent.

Grace tells us we are righteous.

Grace tells us we are holy.

Grace tells us we are pure.

Grace tells us we are blameless.

Grace tells us we are at peace with God.

Grace tells us our worst days are behind us and our best days are before us.

Grace tells us we have a hope and a future.

Grace tells us God is our loving Father.

Yes...guilt is a miserable wants to hang out with us, tormenting us...making us more miserable.

It is time to tell guilt goodbye and grace hello!

Grace is a joyful feeling, reminding us of what Jesus did for us and who we are in God's sight.

It is time to tell grace hello!

So let's say this together...1, 2, 3...

"Goodbye guilt, HELLO GRACE!"

To read other related articles Brad has written, CLICK HERE.

Brad Robertson

Brad’s passion is to reach people with grace and teach people about grace. If you enjoy Brad’s posts, check out his books on Amazon. Also, please consider making a donation to Gracereach to reach more and more people with the good news of grace. Thank you.


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