How’s Your Prayer Life?

In the world of legalism, people often ask, “How’s Your Prayer Life?”

In this legalistic world, this question means is a person praying as much as he should be praying, or should he make more time for God because he is not praying as much as he should be.

The reason I am so familiar with this question is because I used to live in this world…the world of legalism.

I would be asked, “How is your prayer like?”

The phrase "prayer life" had me under much guilt, shame, and condemnation for years because I didn't think I was praying enough.

How is a person supposed to answer the question, "How's your prayer life?"

Really, there are only two answers to that question.

Answer #1: "It's good." - I am praying as much as I should be.

Answer #2: "It's not good.” I am not praying as much as I should.

Both answers are based upon a preoccupation religious expectations imposed upon a person by the church, ministry, or organization.

When I understood that God, through his grace freely given to us in Jesus, removed me from a religious expectations based upon have to's, formulas, and lists, and moved me into a personal relationship with him as my loving Father, I was set free.

Today, the phrase "prayer life" is far removed from my mind.

As a result, there is no more shame and guilt.

I now enjoy a loving relationship with God where I talk with him openly and honestly, without fear of rejection or condemnation, about anything at anytime fully assured of his love and acceptance.

My prayer for you is that you are set free from religious have to's, formulas, and lists, and you begin to enjoy a loving relationship with your God your loving Father where you talk with him openly and honestly without fear of rejection or condemnation, fully assured of his love and acceptance.

Don't get under any legalism...guilt...shame...or condemnation of having a "prayer life,” and don’t let anyone put you under their expectation of how much someone should prayer.

This defeats the who purpose of prayer by turning it into a performance.

You are free in Christ…Christ set you free from legalistic prayer expectations.

You are free to enjoy a relationship with God as your loving Father without worrying if you are praying enough.

For more of Brad’s resources on prayer, CLICK HERE.

Brad Robertson

Brad’s passion is to reach people with grace and teach people about grace. If you enjoy Brad’s posts, check out his books on Amazon. Also, please consider making a donation to Gracereach to reach more and more people with the good news of grace. Thank you.


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