How Could God Forgive Me?

How could God ever forgive me?

This is a question people ask when they have done something so hurtful and they feel so bad about what they have done that they believe it is outside the boundaries of God’s forgiveness.

They ask this question when they believe God himself considers what they did so harmful and bad that it is outside the boundaries of his forgiveness.

But let’s answer this question:

"How could God ever forgive me?"

Let’s start with “How."

The answer to how is who.

The who is Jesus.

God’s forgiveness is based upon Jesus...his blood...his cross.

No sin is beyond the boundaries of Jesus' blood.

Jesus' blood has no boundaries.

Every sin of everybody was nailed to the cross with Jesus.

Legally, Jesus paid the sin debt for all people and for all sins.

This payment of debt has no limits, where some sins were nailed to the cross and others were not.

The answer to the question, “How could God forgive me?” is...


...the cross

...his blood

...his payment.

Some may say, “But my sin is so hurtful...God can’t forgive me.”

This response is saying that one’s sin is greater than God’s grace...the cross...the blood of Jesus.

That is a satanic lie.

Another may say, “But you don’t know what I did?”

This is true.

But God knows what you did.

He loves you.

He knew it before you did it.

He nailed that sin to the cross.

The debt has been paid in full.

He is now offering you full forgiveness.

Some respond, “But I don’t deserve to be forgiven.”


No one does.

But that is what grace is about.

Grace is the unmerited kindness and undeserved forgiveness of God of all our sins.

All sins have already been nailed to the cross with Jesus.

The only thing that can keep a person from receiving God’s forgiveness is believing the lies that God can’t forgive their sins or won’t forgive their sins.

These are satanic lies.

Satan doesn’t want you to experience God’s forgiveness.

Satan desires for you to keep living in guilt and shame.

Today, resist his lies and receive God’s forgiveness that he is freely and fully offering to you in Jesus.

How do you receive God’s forgiveness?

You receive God’s forgiveness through faith.

Faith is trusting that Jesus paid your sin debt in full when he died on the cross.

Faith is believing all of your sins are forgiven because of Jesus' blood.

Faith doesn’t mean the feelings of guilt and shame will immediately go away.

But keep concentrating on the cross, and eventually the feelings of guilt and shame will begin to decrease.

So how could God ever forgive you?

He has forgiven you because of what Jesus did for you.

Believe it.

Receive it.

Brad Robertson

Brad’s passion is to reach people with grace and teach people about grace. If you enjoy Brad’s posts, check out his books on Amazon. Also, please consider making a donation to Gracereach to reach more and more people with the good news of grace. Thank you.


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