How Grace Changed Joseph’s Life

How did Joseph go from being sold as a slave by his brothers to being in charge of Egypt?


Joseph’s brothers sold him as a slave to slave traders.

The slave traders sold him to Potiphar, the captain of the Palace Guard.

Potiphar put him charge of his entire household.

Potiphar’s wife accused Joseph of rape.

Joseph was thrown into prison and chained in the dark dungeon...his feet were shackled and neck was placed in iron (Psalm 105:18).

He was abandoned by a friend and left in prison for 13 years.

The prison warden put him in charge of the entire prison.

Pharaoh took notice of Joseph and placed him in charge of Egypt.

How did this happen?


Joseph could have maintained a grudge against everyone who wronged him.

Instead he gave grace.

Grace empowered Joseph to maintain a positive attitude in negative situations.

He gave grace to his brothers.

He gave grace to the slave traders.

He gave grace to Potiphar’s wife.

He gave grace to the one who abandoned him in prison.

As a result…

He worked with integrity in Potiphar’s house, resulting in becoming the manager of Potiphar’s home.

He worked with integrity in the prison, resulting in becoming the manager of the prison.

Then, because of the grace at work in his heart and life, Pharaoh noticed Joseph, eventually putting him in charge of Egypt.

Had Joseph not given away grace, he would have held a grudge against everyone and died a bitter slave in an Egyptian prison.

But grace changed his heart...his life...his future...his family’s life...and the lives of many, many others.

In some small way, in a large way for others, we can relate to Joseph.

We have been treated unfairly...abused, accused, attacked, and


Like Joseph, we have a choice…

...hold a grudge or give grace.

It is easy to hold a grudge.

If we do, we will die bitter slaves imprisoned in our own unforgiveness, anger, and negative attitude.

It is difficult to give grace.

But if we do, by faith, we will become better, released from our own prison through forgiveness and free to move forward in life empowered by grace.

Brad Robertson

Brad’s passion is to reach people with grace and teach people about grace. If you enjoy Brad’s posts, check out his books on Amazon. Also, please consider making a donation to Gracereach to reach more and more people with the good news of grace. Thank you.


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