If I Have A New Heart, Why Am I Having A Hard Time Loving People

Sometimes the teachings by some about the gospel of grace can lead to disillusionment for others.

Maybe you have experienced this disillusionment.

What do I mean?

Sometimes the message of God's grace is communicated in such a way that it leads some believers to think that the gospel of grace makes life and loving others easy and effortless.

(I agree that it does make our relationship with God easy and effortless.)

What do I mean?

Sometimes the gospel of grace is taught in such a way that it makes loving others easy and effortless, especially now that we have a new heart.

The teaching goes like this: Now that you have a new heart, you will effortlessly begin loving others...even the difficult people in your life...it's just that easy.

When the experience of some grace-believers does not match what they have been taught about loving others, they may become disillusioned, concluding they may not have a new heart, or even worse...they may conclude they are not believers.

Sometimes certain grace teachings can lead some to believe that overcoming the sinful desires of the flesh is easy and effortless, now that you have a new heart.

Again, when the experiences of some grace-believers, who continue to battle the sinful desires of the flesh, do not match what they have been taught, they may become disillusioned, once again concluding they may not have a new heart or be saved.

My understanding of the new heart is that the Spirit of Christ dwells within us, enabling us to call God our loving Father.

The love of God has been poured into our hearts.

However, this does not mean we will automatically begin loving others effortlessly and with ease.

The fruit of the Spirit is a process...taking much time for some of us.

This fruit grows within us as we experience the Father's love for us over a period of time...sometimes a long period of time.

During this time, we may not find it easy to effortlessly love people.

And that's okay...we are growing...and growth takes time.

We must give ourselves grace in the process.

Concerning the sinful desires of the flesh...

As believers, though we have a new heart, we still live in these old bodies that have sinful, fleshly desires.

We still live in this old world that is corrupted by sin and entices the flesh to sin.

The world to the flesh is like a kid (the flesh) in a candy shop (the world).

It will be this way until we have new bodies and live on the new earth.

Until this time, there is a battle within us between the Spirit, the flesh, and the world.

It's not an easy battle.

It's not an effortless battle.

However, sometimes certain grace teachings make it seem easy and effortless...as if there is no battle at all once you hear the gospel of grace and are taught about your new heart.

This can lead to deep disillusionment for some.

If you are one of the disillusioned ones...take heart, be encouraged.

You are not alone.

Many are in this battle with you.

We do not have our new bodies, yet.

We are not on the new earth, yet.

Until this time comes, know that you are loved by the Father.

There will be people who are difficult to love.

The battle with the flesh and world is real.

Don't be disillusioned...what you are experiencing is normal for believers.

Brad Robertson

Brad’s passion is to reach people with grace and teach people about grace. If you enjoy Brad’s posts, check out his books on Amazon. Also, please consider making a donation to Gracereach to reach more and more people with the good news of grace. Thank you.


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