If You Are Down On Yourself

If you are down on yourself because you are not "committed and devoted" to the church as your church leaders say you should be...

If you are made to feel guilty because you are not involved in your church as your church leaders say you should be...

If you are made to feel guilty by your church leaders because you do not have your priorities in order since you "put other things above the church"...

If you are made to feel like you will never grow spiritually until you prioritize your life and become more committed, devoted, and involved in the church...

I want to encourage you.

The Christian life is not about how involved, committed, and devoted you are to the programs of the church.

The Christian life is not about making the programs of the church a greater priority in your life than your favorite sport team, hobby, or other parts of your life.

Church commitment, devotion, and involvement does not produce spiritual growth.

Making the programs of your church a greater priority in your life does not produce spiritual growth.

Spiritual growth comes from understanding the truths of the new covenant of grace, which, sadly, the majority of Christians have never been taught by their church leaders.

When a person understands the truths of grace, spiritual growth happens naturally.

No commitment required.

No devotion required.

No involvement required.

No prioritizing the programs of your church above the parts of your life.

Grace produces growth...it's that simple.

There was a group of people in the Bible whose hearts were encouraged and strengthened through grace (2 Thessalonians 2:16).

There was a group of people in the Bible who experienced tremendous spiritual growth the moment they understood God's grace in all of its truth (Colossians 1:3-8).

It wasn't commitment, devotion, and involvement that produced spiritual growth in their lives.

Spiritual growth came from understanding grace.

Don't be pressured or guilted by your church leaders into being more committed and devoted to your church by being involved in its programs.

If your church leaders are not teaching you the truths of God's grace...

Maybe the problem with your spiritual growth is not your commitment or devotion, but theirs.

Biblical church leaders are those who are committed and devoted to teaching the truths of God's grace to the church family.

Maybe it is the church leaders who need to be more committed and devoted to teaching the truths of God's grace to the church family.

Paul, the first church planter, was sent on a mission by the ascended Jesus to communicate God's grace to people and to start grace-based churches...churches that educated people about grace (Acts 20:23-24).

It is time for our church leaders to educate the church family about the truths of grace rather than manipulate the church family into being more committed, devoted, and involved.

I want to encourage you...

If you have been pressured or guilted by your church leaders into being more committed to, devoted to, and involved in your church, and, consequently, you are feeling like you are "not as good of a Christian as you should be," may I introduce you to grace.

Grace is everything God has done for you in Jesus, leaving you nothing to do but to rest in all he has done for you.

No pressure...

No guilt...

No manipulation...

Just grace.

No devotion needed...

No commitment needed...

No involvement needed...

Just grace...

Simply grace.

Brad Robertson

Brad’s passion is to reach people with grace and teach people about grace. If you enjoy Brad’s posts, check out his books on Amazon. Also, please consider making a donation to Gracereach to reach more and more people with the good news of grace. Thank you.


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