It Doesn’t Matter Where I Was Born or Grew Up

It doesn't matter where you were born or the circumstances surrounding your birth.

It doesn't matter where you grew up.

God can do more in and through you than you could ever hope or imagine.

Jesus was born in Bethlehem, the most insignificant town in Judah (southern Israel).

Jesus was born in the worst of conditions, there was no room in the inn.

After his birth, Roman soldiers searched for Jesus to kill him.

Mary and Joseph fled to Egypt with Jesus.

Eventually, Joseph, Mary, and Jesus returned to Nazareth where Jesus grew up.

There was nothing good in Nazareth (John 1:46).

It was the object of ridicule.

Jesus was born in the most insignificant town, Bethlehem.

He grew up in the worst of towns, Nazareth.

Yet he was the most significant person who lived.

He did the best in the world and for the world.

It is the same with you.

Maybe you were born in an insignificant town in the most harsh of conditions.

Maybe the circumstances of your birth were traumatic.

Maybe you were raised in the poorest of towns that was ridiculed by those from other towns.

But no matter where you were born, how you were born, or where you grew up...

...know that God can do more in and through you than you ever hoped, dreamed, or imagined.

God can use you to change your part of the world.

God can use you to change someone's world.

Your place of birth and the circumstances surrounding your birth are no problem for God.

Where you were raised is no problem for God.

He can do more in and through you than you could ever hope, dream, or imagine.

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Brad Robertson

Brad’s passion is to reach people with grace and teach people about grace. If you enjoy Brad’s posts, check out his books on Amazon. Also, please consider making a donation to Gracereach to reach more and more people with the good news of grace. Thank you.


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