No Other Gospel

Paul established churches in Galatia based upon grace - everything God has done to make us righteous through Jesus, leaving us nothing to do but to place our faith in Jesus alone for righteousness.

The Galatian people, after hearing the good news from Paul that righteousness (innocent of sin) comes by faith in Jesus and not by the law, quickly deserted the good news of grace and turned to a completely different gospel, or message about how a person becomes righteous.

The false gospel they were turning to was a gospel of works based upon obedience to the law of Moses (a moral and religious system).

Paul told them this was not a gospel at all. (Galatians 1:6-7).

It was a gospel or message which says that for people to be innocent of sin before God, to be clean before God, and to be accepted and forgiven by God they must abide by the law of Moses by following its demands, days, diets, and duties, in addition to placing their faith in Jesus.

This was the very opposite of what Paul taught them.

He was shocked they were turning away from grace and back to the law for righteousness.

The reason the Galatian people where returning to the law for righteousness was because those passionate about the law had infiltrated the Galatian churches and convinced them that obedience to the law was necessary for righteousness.

This left some people confused.

Does righteousness come by obedience to the law of Moses?

Does righteousness come by faith in Jesus?

Or does righteousness come by a combination of obedience to the law of Moses and faith in Jesus?

Paul writes his letter to the Galatians to explain to them that righteousness comes by faith alone in Jesus alone...obedience to the law was not required.

The same is true today.

Righteousness comes by faith alone in Jesus obedience to a moral law or religious system is required for righteousness.

Some may try to convince us otherwise, but the good news of the gospel of grace is this…

Righteousness comes by faith alone in Jesus alone.

Don’t allow anyone or any organization, church, or ministry tell you differently, causing you to turn away from grace to a different gospel, which is no gospel at all.

NOTE: This is from Brad’s Commentary on Galatians: Return To Grace

Brad Robertson

Brad’s passion is to reach people with grace and teach people about grace. If you enjoy Brad’s posts, check out his books on Amazon. Also, please consider making a donation to Gracereach to reach more and more people with the good news of grace. Thank you.


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