Seven Strategic Steps To Success

Success for many people sometimes feels way out of reach. They know what they want to accomplish, but they feel they do not have what it takes, that it is too much, too difficult, or that it will take too long. They feel there is no way it could ever be done...whatever the it is. So they give up before they ever get started.

I don't want to see you give up before you ever get started. I want to see you experience success. I want to see you reach your goals. I want to see you realize your dreams.

Below are seven strategic steps to success that if you implement them one at a time, then in time, you will reach your goals and realize your dreams.

#1: Have Passion - What do I feel in my heart?

Passion is a strong feeling in your heart about something that energizes and excites you. Passion is something that moves and motivates you. Passion is something in your heart that may bother and burden you.

So what is your passion? What do you feel in your heart? What energizes you? What excites you? What moves and motivates you? What bothers and burdens you?

#2: Create A Picture - What do I see in my mind?

A picture is what you see yourself doing...becoming...accomplishing. A picture is a solution to a problem you see yourself solving...a burden you see yourself easing...a need you see yourself meeting...a dream you see yourself fulfilling.

So what is the picture in your mind? What is it you see yourself doing? What problem do you see yourself solving? What burden do you see yourself easing? What need do you see yourself meeting? What dream do you see yourself fulfilling?

#3: Involve People - Who can I put on my team?

There are other people who feel what you feel and see what you see. You just haven't met them yet. Share your passion with people. Show them your picture. Many may not feel it. Many may not see it...they may think you are crazy! But someone will...a few people will...add them to your team...think together...dream together...and watch what happens!

#4: Develop A Plan - How will I (we) get it done?

As your team comes together, develop a plan. A plan is a specific map to accomplish your mission. It involves short-term and long-term goals. It involves specific steps to reach your goals and accomplish your mission.

What is it you want to accomplish? What is your vision? What is your mission? How will you get there?

You will not have all the answers at first. You will not have all that you need at first. Just get started with what you have and where you are.

#5: List Your Priorities - What will I (we) do first, second, third, etc...?

A priority is determining what needs to be done first, second, third, etc...It doesn't have to be all done at once...first things firsts, second things second, and third things third.

So what is the very first priority you need to it...then do the second, third, fourth, etc...

This will help prevent you from becoming overwhelmed. It will help break down your overall vision into small doable parts. Then, over time, it will all come together.

#6: Continue To Persevere - Why will I (we) not quit?

Perseverance is sticking with what you start no matter how hard it is or how long it takes because you know that one day, if you do not give up and walk away, that you will reach your goals, realize your dreams, and reap an abundance of joy.

Nothing worth accomplishing will ever come easy. You will have your difficult days...difficult people...and difficult problems. That is part of success. Just don't quit.

#7. Focus On The Pay-off - What will I and others experience?

The pay-off is the joy you will experience when your goals are reached and your dreams are realized. It is the exuberant feeling you will have when the need is met, burdened is eased, and problem is solved. It is the satisfaction you will enjoy when you see the lives of others changed...when you see the smile on their faces and the happiness in their hearts.

It is then you will know that your work was worth it.

So what is success for you? What is your passion? What do you feel strongly about? What energies and excites you? What moves and motivates you? What bothers and burdens you?

What do you see yourself doing, becoming, and accomplishing? What problem do you see yourself solving? What burden do you see yourself easing? What need do you see yourself meeting? What dream do you see yourself fulfilling?

Who can you add to your team?

What do you need to do first?

Why will you not quit?

What will you and others eventually experience?

It is not out of reach. With God, you have what it takes. With God, it is not too much or too difficult. And no matter how long it takes, it will be worth it. So don't give up before you get started. With God, all things are possible!

So give these seven strategic steps a try, and let's see what God does...

Brad Robertson

Brad’s passion is to reach people with grace and teach people about grace. If you enjoy Brad’s posts, check out his books on Amazon. Also, please consider making a donation to Gracereach to reach more and more people with the good news of grace. Thank you.


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