Sharing Grace Is Risky

Sharing the good news of God's grace, that he has freely given to us in Christ, with those in your church, Sunday School class, small group, Bible Study Fellowship, etc... is risky.

Sharing that God is not counting our sins against us is risky.

Sharing we don't ask for forgiveness but accept God's forgiveness through faith is risky.

Sharing that all of our sins have been forgiven by God is risky.

Sharing we don't have to continually confess sins to stay forgiven and in fellowship with God (close to God) is risky.

Sharing that morality, church activity,

and spiritual activity merit nothing with God is risky.

Sharing that being right with God, accepted by God, comes only by faith in Jesus is risky.

Sharing that to "fall from grace" is to depend upon morality, church activities, and spiritual disciplines for acceptance with God is risky.

Sharing we don't live as fully devoted followers of Jesus but live by his Spirit is risky.

Sharing we do not live by the law but live by grace is risky.

Sharing that believers do not live according to the Ten Commandments but by the Spirit of Jesus in our hearts is risky.

Sharing the New Testament does not start with the birth of Jesus but his death is risky.

For people to share these biblical truths, whether a Pastor, Bible teacher, small group leader, church member, etc... is risky.

They risk losing their reputation and relationships, and for some, their ministry positions, which they rely on to support their families.

Paul experienced this as he shared the good news of grace.

Yet he considered everything a loss compared to knowing Christ and the grace he brought to all people (Philippians 3).

As he lived in grace and shared God's grace, he was rejected by the spiritual leaders and many of people who were influenced by them.

The ascended Jesus told him he would experience this type of rejection (Acts 20:23-24).

That is why he asked those who embraced grace to pray that he would fearlessly share the good news of grace.

Many of you can relate to Paul.

After coming to understand God's grace revealed in the Bible, your passion was to share God's grace with others.

This was risky for you.

You risked your reputation, relationships, and some, such as Pastors and Bible teachers, your ministry positions and resources for living.

Yet you fearlessly shared the good news of grace, because your heart was for others to hear about God's grace, embrace it, and be changed by it.

And some were.

But others opposed the truths of God's grace and rejected you in the process.

You became the object of ridicule in your church, Sunday School Class, small group, Bible Fellowship Group, and community.

It was and is a lonely place for you.

Be encouraged.

God loves you.

He is with you and in you through Christ.

He is proud of you for taking the risk to share his grace with others.

Brad Robertson

Brad’s passion is to reach people with grace and teach people about grace. If you enjoy Brad’s posts, check out his books on Amazon. Also, please consider making a donation to Gracereach to reach more and more people with the good news of grace. Thank you.


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