Take A Break

There are times in our lives when we need to take a break...to get away. We need to take a break from work, from ministry, from that new venture we have started, etc... We need to get away for a few hours, a couple of days, or a weekend. Here are four reasons why we may not take a break and four reasons why we must take a break.


REASON #1: We Don't Take A Break Because We Feel Guilty

Many times we do not take breaks because of a false feeling of guilt. We feel we do not deserve a break. We haven't worked hard enough. Other people are working, so why should we take a break. So, when we do take a break, we can't enjoy it because we feel guilty. I want to encourage you today...it is okay for you to take a break. It is okay for you to take time off. You need time to rest, relax, and be refreshed. Do not feel guilty when you need to get away. Say this to yourself, "It's okay to get way!"

REASON #2: We Don't Take A Break Because We Fear We Will Get Behind

"How can I take a break", we tell ourselves. "There is so much to do!" The truth is, there will always be more to do. There are rarely times when everything is caught up and completely done. And, even if it is, it won't be long until there is more to do. So, don't worry about falling behind. There will always be more to do. Accept it. Realize it is normal to have more to do. Right now, you need some time away. Remember, It's okay to get away!

REASON #3: We Don't Take A Break Because of What Others Will Say

So often we live according to the expectations of others. Our thoughts are centered around what will people think if we take a break. For example, if you're a pastor, you may feel the need to take a break, to take some time off. You may have been working hard investing time and energy into your church family. However, you may wonder what your church family will think if you take time off. What will happen if they do not see me for a few days, a week, or even a month? What will they say? Remember, Jesus himself took frequent time away. People were looking for him, even mad at him for not being available. Jesus knew if he was going to meet the demands of ministry, he had to make time for himself and his relationship with his Father. Will there be people who do not understand? Yes. Will there be people who criticize you? Yes. But remember, you live for the applause of ONE, not the applause of many. If you feel you need to take some time away, then take some time away. It will be okay.

4. We Do Not Take A Break Because We Are Not Allowed

Maybe you work in a job where you are not allowed to take some time off. You work and work and work, and are expected to work even more. This is a difficult situation. Possibly, talk to your supervisor. Tell her how you are feeling. This reason is ultimately out of your control. The first three reasons we do not take some time away are under our control.


Reason #1: You Must Take A Break To Rest

When we put so much time and energy into our work, family, dream, etc..., it takes so much out of us. It affects us physically, mentally, spiritually, emotionally, and relationally. At the time, we may not even notice the affects our hard work is having on us, but if we do not take some time away, in due time we will. If we do not take a break, we will burn out. Our body, mind, and emotions need rest. And they need rest soon. Build into your schedule time way from what you are doing. Give yourself permission to rest.

REASON #2: You Must Take A Break To Recover

Because we have invested so much time and energy into our work, project, goal, etc...it has taken its toll on us, whether we realize it or not. Our mind needs time to recover, to be strengthened. So take some time away to regain the strength that has been taken away.

REASON #3: You Must Take A Break To Be Refreshed

You have given so much of your time and energy. You need to be refreshed. When we take time away, we will find new ideas coming to mind, a new perspective to our lives, and a new since of excitement in our hearts.

REASON #4: You Must Take A Break To Reconnect

Unintentionally, we begin to become disconnected from the people in our lives we need to be spending time with. As we invest time and energy into other things, we tend to neglect our spouse, children, parents, and God himself. The relationships that are so important begin to take a back seat to what we are driven to accomplish. By taking some time away from work to spend with those whom we are in important relationships with, we reconnect with those whom we have been neglecting for so long.

Schedule time away into your calendar. Honor it. It will provide for you needed rest, recovery, and refreshment. And, most of all, it will help you reconnect with the people who love, miss, and need you.

Here is a list of ideas of what to do when you take a break:

take a walk, jog, or ride your bike along the beach or lake front, exercise at the local fitness center, go see a movie, read a good book, sit on your front porch and enjoy a cup of coffee, go to a nearby city and take in the culture, take a drive in the country, play ball with your child, take your wife out for dinner, go see a ball game, go see a play, go visit your mom and dad

Brad Robertson

Brad’s passion is to reach people with grace and teach people about grace. If you enjoy Brad’s posts, check out his books on Amazon. Also, please consider making a donation to Gracereach to reach more and more people with the good news of grace. Thank you.


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