The Day My Life Changed Forever

The day the Spirit of Christ took the truths of grace from the depths of the heart of our loving, kind, and good Father and revealed those truths into my heart was the day my life changed forever.

That was in 1990.

Since this time,

I have discovered the majority of believers have never experienced this revelation of grace.

That breaks my heart.

That breaks the Father's heart.

Yet, the Spirit of Christ in you loves you and longs to bring you this revelation.

Most believers have heard thousands of sermons, been in hundreds of Sunday School classes and small groups, and have attended many conferences and retreats but have never experienced the revelation of grace from the Father's heart into their hearts.

However, we live in a time where the Spirit of Christ is breaking down the walls of religion that have kept people from experiencing the Father's grace.

The Holy Spirit is breaking through years and years of religious traditions that have kept people in spiritual bondage and is now, in our time, bringing the revelation of grace to people all over the world.

This revelation of grace is creating a revolution of grace.

Lives are changing!

Religious chains are falling off the hearts of people that have kept them imprisoned for years.

The joy of our Father's grace is setting the captives free and releasing people from the darkness of religion and sin.

The hope of grace is springing to life in their hearts.

Praise to the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ is flowing from their lips.

This angers Satan.

His anger is seen in the attitudes and faces of many religious leaders today.

His anger is heard in their voices as they speak cruelly against the message of grace and the messengers of grace.

Just as in Jesus' day, when Satan angrily operated in the hearts and minds of the Pharisees to suppress the grace flowing so sweetly, freely, and abundantly from Jesus to the prostitutes, tax collectors, and thieves, Satan operates in the the modern day Pharisees to suppress the grace that flows so sweetly, freely, and abundantly from the Father's heart into the hearts of the broken and bruised, and the hopeless and hurting.

Yet, grace can't be suppressed by Satan through the religious Pharisees of our day.

The Spirit of Christ has defeated Satan and his graceless religious systems and is bringing the victory of grace into the hearts of many people.

Years of suppressing grace by religious leaders in villages, towns, and cities all of the world has only served to launch the great revelation and revolution of grace taking place in the hearts and minds of God's children all over the world today.

We are living in exciting times.

We are seeing God's grace poured out through his Spirit into the hearts of people everywhere.

Brad Robertson

Brad’s passion is to reach people with grace and teach people about grace. If you enjoy Brad’s posts, check out his books on Amazon. Also, please consider making a donation to Gracereach to reach more and more people with the good news of grace. Thank you.


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