The Good Works of Grace

Paul makes it very clear that good works do not obtain salvation or maintain salvation.

Yet he does encourage believers to walk in good works so that we influence and impact the lives of others.

In Ephesians 2:8-10, Paul writes that works don's save us, grace does, but he states that God has created good works for us to walk in.

In Romans 12:21, Paul writes to overcome evil with good.

In Titus 2:14, he writes that because of God's grace to us, we are eager to do good or share God's grace with others.

Grace is the undeserved blessings and unmerited kindness of God to us in Jesus.

As we freely experience the good work of God's grace to us in Jesus, we can freely give to others good works of his grace.

When we do this, we are giving to people specific acts of undeserved blessings and unmerited kindness.

As we do this, the good work of grace flowing from God through us to others will influence and impact the lives of many people.

We will overcome evil with good.

Just like the good work of God's grace has influenced and impacted our lives, this same good work of grace will have the same influence and impact in the lives of others as his grace flows through us in the form of good works.

As we go through each day, let's let the good works of grace flow through us to others so that their lives are influenced and impacted by God's grace.

Brad Robertson

Brad’s passion is to reach people with grace and teach people about grace. If you enjoy Brad’s posts, check out his books on Amazon. Also, please consider making a donation to Gracereach to reach more and more people with the good news of grace. Thank you.


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