The Grace Escape

Many believers in Jesus are held hostage by their ministry or church leaders.

The are unable to enjoy their freedom in Christ because they have never been taught the fullness of God's grace freely given to them in him.

They have NOT been taught...

...they are under grace, not under law,

...they died to the law and now live by faith in Jesus, the one who loved them and gave his life for them.

They have NOT been taught...

...they have been given every spiritual blessing in Christ and do not try to earn God's blessings through tithing, obedience, etc...,

...they have been made alive with Christ and are seated with him in heavenly places,

...all of their sins are fully forgiven forever, not having to continually confess sin to stay forgiven by or in fellowship with God,

...they are justified, righteous through Christ,

... a right standing with God is by grace through faith, not doing the right spiritual things,

...they are at peace with God, not under his wrath,

...they are under no condemnation,

...the Spirit of Jesus lives in them, enabling them to call God their loving Father,

...they are led by the Spirit of Jesus internally, and are not called to become fully devoted followers of Jesus,

...they do not live by the 10 Commandments as a guide for thier lives, but they are led by the Spirit of Christ from within, resulting in the fruit of the Spirit being produced in their lives,

...thier identity in Christ is a saint, not a sinner saved by grace.

... fellowship (closeness) with God is continual,

...they live under the new covenant of grace, not the old covenant of law.

They may have been taught some of these, but then they are taught they must maintain salvation, fellowship, or a right standing with God by having experiences, meeting expectations, confessing sin, or practicing spiritual disciplines.

They are taught that to grow spiritually they must read their Bible and pray daily, daily have quiet times or devotions, keep short accounts on sin, join the serve team and a small group, etc...

Sadly, they are never taught the fullness of grace which transforms a person from the inside out.

Some are intimidated and manipulated by ministry or church leaders.

Some are spiritually abused by ministry or church leaders.

Others are under the leadership of church staff who are nice people, but who have little understanding of the Bible.

They have nice pastors who preach a nice sermon from the Bible, but they remain uneducated about the new covenant of grace.

Unknowingly, they are imprisoned in a spiritual system by spiritual leaders.

In Galatia, Paul shared the grace of God with people who were spiritually imprisoned by spiritual leaders.

As a result, those in Galatian were set free from the religious system of the Law of Moses, to which they were slaves.

Then a group of religious leaders came into Galatia and pulled the people away from grace and placed them back under the law, back under spiritual bondage.

Paul wrote the letter of Galatians to set them free from being held hostage by these leaders.

Paul told them it is for freedom that Christ set them free and to not let anyone put them in spiritual bondage.

Paul's words are true for us today.

We escape spiritual bondage by grace through faith.

You may be held hostage by the leaders of your church or ministry.

You can go free through the grace given to you by God in Christ.

You can escape.

You can leave.

You no longer have to be manipulated, intimidated, or controlled by them.

In 1991, by grace, I was able to escape religious bondage and enter the freedom of God's grace freely given to us in Christ.

I left the organization I was a part of and trusted the Lord to lead me.

Since this time, my passion is to help people escape religious bondage and enjoy their freedom in Christ by experiencing his grace.

I pray this post helps someone make the grace escape.

You have been held captive by guilt, shame, and condemnation long enough.

You have been held captive long enough by spiritual leaders who lord over you.

Today is your day of escape.

How do you escape?

By believing that God has done everything for you through Jesus to forgive you and bring you into a love relationship with himself.

There is nothing for you to do to make yourself right with God.

Jesus did it all.

Believe it.

This is grace.

This is the Grace Escape.

Brad Robertson

Brad’s passion is to reach people with grace and teach people about grace. If you enjoy Brad’s posts, check out his books on Amazon. Also, please consider making a donation to Gracereach to reach more and more people with the good news of grace. Thank you.


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