Why Did Judas Commit Suicide?

Why Did Judas Commit Suicide?

Why does anyone commit suicide?

People take their lives for several reasons.

Reason #1: To Get Love

Some believe by taking their lives they will get the love they long for from their friends, family, and others.

Reason #2: To Give Others A Chance At Happiness

Some believe by taking their lives they will give those they love a chance at happiness.

They see themselves as the cause of the hurt, pain, and problems in the family, and they believe by taking their lives they will be eliminating the source of the hurt, pain, and problems (themselves) and by doing so give their loved ones a chance at happiness.

Reason #3: To Get Back At Others

Some believe by taking their lives they will get revenge on those who have hurt them.

Reason #4: To Get Away From The Pain And Problems

Some believe by taking their lives they will escape all the pain and problems of life.

Reason #5: To Get Back At Themselves

Some believe by taking their lives they will make themselves pay for what they have done. They seem themselves as deserving of punishment, so they sentence themselves to death, and carry out their own self-imposed punishment.

Reason #6: To Get Rid Of Shame And Guilt

Some believe by taking their lives they can escape the shame (I hate myself) and guilt (I am hard on myself) they feel because of something they have done.

So, for which of these reasons did Judas commit suicide?

I think Reasons #4, #5 and #6.

Let’s take a closer look at what led to Judas’ suicide.

While eating the last supper with Jesus and the other disciples, Satan entered Judas and moved in him to betray Jesus (Luke 22:3; John 13:27).

That leads to another question.

What was Satan’s motivation?

Satan’s motivation was to permanently put Jesus to death so he could keep the human race in his control, in slavery to the fear of death, and from knowing God personally.

His ultimate goal was to defeat God.

But what Satan did not understand was the death of Jesus would be followed by the resurrection, thus crushing Satan, sin, and death, and continuing the fulfillment of God’s plan of grace for the human race.

With his evil intentions in mind, Satan moved into Judas to carry out his plan.

Judas betrayed Jesus.

In exchange for 30 pieces of silver, Judas told the religious Jewish leaders where Jesus was.

The Jewish leaders brought Rome into it by telling them Jesus was a false king desiring to take over all of Rome by leading a Jewish uprising.

Along with the Jewish leaders, the Roman soldiers arrested Jesus.

Jesus was tried, falsely convicted, and then crucified.

After Satan’s plan was carried out, Judas felt shame and guilt because he knew he had betrayed an innocent man, Jesus.

He felt their was no healing for his pain or hope for his future.

So, to escape his pain, Judas took his life (Matthew 27:3-10; Acts 1:18-19).

That is just like Satan.

Satan will lead a person in a certain direction for his evil purposes, then he will release an avalanche of shame, guilt, problems, and pain upon them.

Sometimes, Satan will convince a person to commit suicide to escape the problems, pain, shame, and guilt this person is experiencing.

Was there another way for Judas to escape?

Was there a better way?


We discover in the Bible that God’s grace is for all people, this would include Judas (Romans 5:12-21; Titus 2:11).

This means God’s grace was available to Judas.

Yet Satan convinced him his sin was beyond forgiveness, his pain beyond healing, and his problems beyond solving.

This left Judas hopeless and hurting.

So Satan, through his lies, moved within Judas to have him take his life.

The truth is Judas’ sin was not beyond forgiveness...in reality, it had already been forgiven at the cross….grace is God’s forgiveness of our sins.

His sin was counted against Jesus...as all of our sins were (2 Corinthians 5:19).

The truth is his pain was not beyond healing, grace is God’s healing for our pain.

The truth is his problems where not beyond solving, again...grace is God’s way of solving our problems.

The truth is his future was not beyond hope...grace is God’s hope for our future.

Grace is God moving on our behalf to do for us what we do not deserve and to do for us what we can’t do.

God, in Jesus, gave us grace and has done everything for us.

Grace is the unconditional love of God, the unearned blessings of God, the unmerited kindness of God, and the unlimited forgiveness of God to us all...including Judas.

Faith simply receives what grace achieved.

Judas could have received God’s grace through faith in Jesus.

Peter was no different from Judas.

According to Jesus, Satan wanted to destroy Peter (Luke 22:31).

Peter denied Jesus three times.

He felt remorse...shame...guilt.

He wept bitterly over what he had done (Matthew 26:75).

By faith, Peter received God’s grace.

Did you know the last words from the last letter of Peter says for us to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ (2 Peter 3:18)?

Peter, through grace, experienced the forgiveness of his sins, healing from his hurts, solutions for his problems, and hope for his future.

Judas could have too.

Anyone can.

Maybe there is someone reading this post who feels like Judas and Peter...shame, guilt, pain, hurt, hopelessness.

Consequently, you are considering suicide.

Please know, it is Satan who is seeking to take your life through his lies.

The truth is...God’s grace is available to you in the person of Jesus.

God’s unconditional love, unearned blessings, unmerited kindness, and unlimited forgiveness is yours.

How do you receive his grace?

Through faith in Jesus.

Once you trust in Jesus, begin concentrating on God’s grace.

His grace will relieve you of shame and guilt.

His grace will begin the healing process in your life.

His grace will lead you into the future with hope.

Brad Robertson

Brad’s passion is to reach people with grace and teach people about grace. If you enjoy Brad’s posts, check out his books on Amazon. Also, please consider making a donation to Gracereach to reach more and more people with the good news of grace. Thank you.


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