Brad’s teachings are available on: Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Anchor, Podcast Addict, Google Podcasts, and Podbean in addition to other podcast platforms. The Strategic Church teachings and notes are also available on this page.
Check out Brad’s Book: Strategic Church: Reaching The World With Grace.
Available on Amazon.
Millions of people attend church around the world consistently. Yet, sadly, they have never heard about the grace of God freely given to them in Jesus that is received simply by faith.
They attend their church consistently.
They sings songs passionately.
They listen to sermons weekly.
They serve their church regularly.
They give to their church financially.
They participate in groups relationally.
They have done this for years and years...but still, they have never been taught the good news about God's grace.
Because they have never been taught about God's grace, or have been taught a mixture of law and grace, they are seeking to get from God what he has already given to them for free.
As a result, they cannot enjoy knowing God.
They cannot grow in their relationship with him.
Consequently, there is a vital need around the world for churches that are established in the truths of God's grace freely given to us in Jesus.
There is a vital need around the world for churches that reach unbelievers with grace and teach believers about grace.
The purpose of The Strategic Church Project is to equip people to establish churches in communities all over the world so others can experience and be educated about God's grace.
Who is The Strategic Church Project For?
The Strategic Church Project is for those who desire to start a small gathering of grace believers in a home, office, etc…
It is for those who would like to start a larch church that offers ministries to all people and ages and whose ministries communicate the truths of God's grace.
It is for those who currently lead a church and would like to turn the church into a church that reaches people with grace and teaches them about grace.
It is for those who do not lead a church but would like to influence the leaders in the message of grace so the leaders will begin teaching the church about grace.
It is for those who would like to learn more about God's strategy for planting grace-based churches as seen in the book of Acts.
It is for those who simply want to know what a grace-based church is.
The Strategic Church Project is for anyone!
Session #1: Jesus Sends Paul To Start Grace Churches
YouTube Notes
Session #2: The Galatian Churches
YouTube Notes
Session #3: Paul Plants A Church In Philippi
YouTube Notes
Session #4: Paul’s Letter To The Philippians
Philippians 1:1-11
There are no notes with this teaching.
Session #5: Paul’s Letter To The Philippians
Philippians 1:12-18
There are no notes with this teaching.
Session #6: Paul’s Letter To The Philippians
Philippians 1:19-30
There are no notes with this teaching.
Session #7: Paul’s Letter To The Philippians
Philippians 2:1
There are no notes with this teaching.
Session #8: Paul’s Letter To The Philippians
Philippians 2:2-16
There are no notes with this teaching.