6 Reasons Modern-Day Believers Get Mad At The Teaching “The Law Has Ended” - Part 1

There are several reasons why many modern-day believers get mad when we teach that the law of Moses has been abolished – ended (Ephesians 2:15; Galatians 4:4-6; 5:1), and it is not to be kept.

Let’s look at one of these reasons.

Reason #1: Modern-Day Believers Do Not Understand What Life Was Like For Those Under The Law

The Jewish Scriptures, starting in Exodus 19 – Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 21, record life under the law for the Jewish people.

Those under the law of Moses were Israelites – Jewish people.

Life for them under the law of Moses was miserable.

The law contained blessings and curses (Leviticus 26; Deuteronomy 28-32).

Because the Jewish people disobeyed the law, they consistently lived under its curses, never experiencing its blessings.

Because of their disobedience to the law, judgment came: the Jewish people were overtaken by Assyria and Babylon, then Greece, and Rome.

The city of Jerusalem and other Jewish cities were destroyed by Babylon, and eventually by Rome in 70 AD, as the curses of the law were carried out.

In the aftermath of these judgments, there was wailing, crying, and mourning for the deaths of loved ones...for the leveling and desolation of their cities, including Jerusalem.

Following the desolations of their cities, those who were not killed were exiled into the cities of the conquering cities (such as Daniel), or they were sold into slavery to other nations.

Families were forever separated, either by death, exile, or slavery.

In his book, Lamentations, Jeremiah gives us insight into the pain of those living under the law following judgment.

He wrote Lamentations after Babylon destroyed Jerusalem.

Jesus described what would happen in 70 AD when the final judgment would come to the people of Israel and the city of Jerusalem (Luke 19:41-44; Chapter 21; Mark 13; Matthew 23:37-39; Matthew Chapters 24-25, Revelation).

Rome would be the final conquering nation who would carry out the law-based judgments.

Jesus told the believers in him that when the final judgment came, when the armies surrounded Jerusalem, to flee to the mountains.

This is described in detail in Revelation when Jesus revealed to John what would happen.

Life under the law of Moses was not filled with peace and joy; rather, it was filled with judgment and pain.

Because many modern-day believers are so far removed from the time-period of the law, its judgments and pain, they have no idea what life was like for those under it.

They have no idea what it was like for the Jewish people under the law’s judgments – the pain, the sorrow, the crying, the deaths, the separation of families into slavery.

Many modern-day believers view the law as something to be delighted in rather than as something that was deadly.


Brad Robertson

Brad’s passion is to reach people with grace and teach people about grace. If you enjoy Brad’s posts, check out his books on Amazon. Also, please consider making a donation to Gracereach to reach more and more people with the good news of grace. Thank you.


Heaven And Earth Will Not Pass Away Until… (Matthew 5:17-18) - Part 4


6 Reasons Modern-Day Believers Get Mad At The Teaching “The Law Has Ended” - Part 2