6 Reasons Modern-Day Believers Get Mad At The Teaching “The Law Has Ended” - Part 2

Reason #2: Modern-Day Believers Do Not Understand The Burden Of Keeping The Law

Though many modern-day believers do not understand the burden of keeping the law, Peter, the disciple of Jesus, did.

He stated:

“Now then, why do you try to test God by putting on the necks of Gentiles a yoke [the law of Moses] that neither we [Jews living in 50/51 AD] nor our ancestors [Jewish people living at the time of 1500 BC and beyond, but who had died] have been able to bear [no Jewish person was ever able to obey the law – it was a burden to all people in all generations]?”

The Jewish people, no matter what generation they lived in, could not bear the heavy requirements of the law.

They could not obey it.

They could not fulfill it.

Because many modern-day believers do not understand the weight of the law and the burden of keeping it, they look upon the law as something to be happy about rather than something that was heavy.

They view the law as something to be followed rather than something that can’t be fulfilled.

Reason #3: Modern-Day Believers Do Not Understand That Jesus Established A New Testament of Grace

Many modern-day believers associate the new testament with twenty-seven books of the Bible, rather than One Savior’s Blood.

God promised he would make a new testament that would NOT BE LIKE THE OLD TESTAMENT OF LAW (Jeremiah 31:31-34).

The new testament is the new testament of grace established in the blood of Jesus at the cross when he died (Matthew 26:28; Luke 22:20; see also Hebrews 9:16-28).

It’s blessings of forgiveness and righteousness are experienced through faith in Jesus.

With the establishment of the new testament of grace, God ended the old testament of law as the means for relating to him (Hebrews 10:9-10).

Yet for 40 years, the new testament of grace and the old testament of law co-existed in Jerusalem.

In his mercy, God gave the people of Israel 40 years to believe in Jesus and the new testament of grace he established.

Yet most rejected Jesus as the Christ and the new testament he established..

They continued to observe the law and practice animal sacrifices in Jerusalem.


Brad Robertson

Brad’s passion is to reach people with grace and teach people about grace. If you enjoy Brad’s posts, check out his books on Amazon. Also, please consider making a donation to Gracereach to reach more and more people with the good news of grace. Thank you.


6 Reasons Modern-Day Believers Get Mad At The Teaching “The Law Has Ended” - Part 1


6 Reasons Modern-Day Believers Get Mad At The Teaching “The Law Has Ended” - Part 3