Fully Forgiven To Become Spiritually Alive

We can never be made spiritually alive if we are not fully forgiven of all sins.

How many of our sins were nailed to the cross?

All of them!

How much of God’s forgiveness do we receive when we believe?

All of his forgiveness!

Colossians 2:13-14 says,

“When you were dead in your sins...God made you alive with Christ. He forgave us all our sins, having canceled the written code...nailing it to the cross.”

It only makes sense that if Jesus died for all of our sins, then he would forgive us of all of our sins.

In the above verses, notice the connection between complete forgiveness and being made alive with Christ.

Remember, sin caused death.

Jesus died for all of our sins.

All of our sins were nailed to the cross, along with the written code, the Law of Moses...the Ten Commandments, which condemned us.

When we believe, we experience God’s forgiveness of all our sins, then, through the resurrection of Jesus, we are made alive with him.

If all of our sins aren’t forgiven, then we could not be made alive with Christ but would remain spiritually dead, disconnected from a love-relationship with God.

Similarly, if we have to confess our sins for forgiveness every time we sin, then each time we sin we would die spiritually because the penalty for sin is death, severing our relationship with God with each sin.

It would only take one unconfessed, unforgiven sin to cause spiritual death (example: Adam's one sin caused death and spread to the entire human race. Jesus' one act brought righteousness and eternal life to all who believe - Romans 5:12-21.

For us to be made alive with Christ, having an unending love-relationship with God as our Father, then all of our sins would need to be forgiven...completely and eternally.

That’s what God did...he fully forgave us forever of all our sins and made us alive with Christ eternally!

Brad Robertson

Brad’s passion is to reach people with grace and teach people about grace. If you enjoy Brad’s posts, check out his books on Amazon. Also, please consider making a donation to Gracereach to reach more and more people with the good news of grace. Thank you.


Entering God’s Rest


The Kindness of God – Part One (Romans 2:4)