The Kindness of God – Part One (Romans 2:4)

At the heart of the gospel is the kindness of God.

We see this in Romans 2:4, which says...

"Or do you disregard the riches of His kindness, tolerance, and patience, not realizing that God’s kindness leads you to repentance?"

This verse is in reference to those seeking righteousness through the Law of Moses.

They were boasting in their self-deceived obedience to the law, glorying in their self-righteousness.

Much like the Pharisees during the life of Jesus.

In context, they believed they would escape the wrath and judgment of God because of their “morality.”

They had no awareness of their need for grace.

They needed to repent by admitting they had disobeyed the Law of Moses, were sinners, and were in need of accepting God’s grace.

They needed to do this before the judgment and wrath of God comes.

Wrath is when God cleanses the world of all sin and sinners, thus creating a world of peace and joy where there is no more mourning, crying, pain, hurt, and heartache.

Judgment is when God judges people for their sins in preparation for his wrath.

Those who are judged as righteous will escape the wrath to come and enjoy God’s new world of peace.

In Romans, Paul concludes that all are sinners, none are righteous, and all are in need of grace.

Grace is the loving-kindness of God expressed to us in Jesus.

God demonstrates his loving-kindness (grace) in “while we were sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8).

Jesus took our sins upon himself at the cross and now offers us his righteousness as a free gift of grace (Romans 3:21-26).

We receive this gift of righteousness by faith in Jesus.

We then possess the righteousness needed to escape the judgment and wrath to come, and therefore will not undergo judgment or go through the wrath to come.

We also, through faith in Jesus, possess the righteousness needed to experience and enjoy God’s world of peace that is coming.

God in his kindness has prepared a world of peace and joy that he will establish.

God in his kindness has provided a way to escape the judgment and wrath to come when he removes all sin and sinners – the unrighteous – from the earth.

God in his kindness has proved his love for us through Jesus, taking upon himself the judgment and wrath to come.

God in his kindness patiently waits for people to receive his gift of righteousness by trusting in Jesus.

If you have never trusted in Jesus for righteousness, today is your day.

Respond to God’s kind offer of righteousness today by placing your faith in Jesus, the one who loves you, took your sinfulness upon himself at the cross, and now offers you his righteousness as a free gift.

Brad Robertson

Brad’s passion is to reach people with grace and teach people about grace. If you enjoy Brad’s posts, check out his books on Amazon. Also, please consider making a donation to Gracereach to reach more and more people with the good news of grace. Thank you.


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