How Can God Love Someone Who Has Sinned So Much?

The Pharisees were aghast at how Jesus could love those who sinned so much.

They asked his disciples why he spent time with such sinners.

Jesus provided the answer when he told three stories (see Luke 15:11-31):

Story #1: The story of the lost sheep.

Story #2: The story of the lost coin.

Story #3: The story of the lost son.

The lost sheep, coin, and son were all valued and loved.

In Story #3, the lost son lived a life of enormous sin.

In the story and culture of Jesus’ time, there could not be a more sinful person than the son.

Yet he was loved by his father.

And that’s how Jesus loved people.

And this is how we are loved, too.

The reason God loves those who sin so much, which would be all of us, is because he is a loving God.

He is the God who has expressed his love for us through Jesus, who died for all of our sins.

No amount of sins can stop God from loving us or separate us from him.

The cross is proof of his love.

The cross removed all of our sins.

We are loved and valued by God the Father.

Through faith in Jesus, we begin a relationship with God that is based upon his great love for us.

If you have never placed your faith in Jesus, or are not sure if you have, you can do so now.

Below is a simple prayer that you can pray to express your faith in Jesus.

God, I admit that I don’t understand all there is to know about you. But I believe that you have expressed your love for me through Jesus, who died for all of my sins on the cross. He then rose from dead. Today I place my faith in Jesus and begin a relationship with you that is based on your love for me.

If you placed your faith in Jesus through this prayer, we would love to know. Please send us a message through the CONTACT page.

Brad Robertson

Brad’s passion is to reach people with grace and teach people about grace. If you enjoy Brad’s posts, check out his books on Amazon. Also, please consider making a donation to Gracereach to reach more and more people with the good news of grace. Thank you.


One Died For All (2 Corinthians 5:14-15)


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