How To Introduce Others To Grace When They Resist Grace

One of the best ways to introduce others to grace is by trying not to introduce them to grace.

Many times the more we try to introduce others to grace the more they resist it.

The way I was introduced to grace was by a person who was not trying to introduce me to grace.

This person never had a conversation with me about grace.

We had a good friendship, where grace never was mentioned.

At this time, I was under law - living daily in condemnation because of my constant failure to adhere to the spiritual disciplines.

I was constantly confessing my sins for forgiveness so I could "stay in fellowship with God."

One day I asked my friend if she had a book I could read on my fight from Denver, CO, to Mobile, AL.

She gave me a book called Classic Christianity by Bob George.

I read the book during the flight.

By the time the plane landed, my life was totally transformed through the new covenant/testament truths explained in Classic Christianity.

From this point forward, I dug deeply into understanding the new testament/covenant then began teaching it to others.

If others are rejecting the good news of grace that you are trying to explain to them, try another approach.

Rather than trying to explain it to them, stop talking about it.

Be grace to them.

Then, at the right time, suggest they read a book.

I recommend Bob George's book: Jesus Changes Everything

It is all about the New Testament of grace.

I also recommend Bob's book: Faith That Pleases God

Sometimes by taking a different approach, people may be more receptive to the truths of grace and then experience transformation.

If you would like to introduce someone to grace, you can also suggest a website.

My website is:

Brad Robertson

Brad’s passion is to reach people with grace and teach people about grace. If you enjoy Brad’s posts, check out his books on Amazon. Also, please consider making a donation to Gracereach to reach more and more people with the good news of grace. Thank you.


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