Think About It #1: Did Jesus Die In Vain?

Think about it.

If morality, spiritual disciplines, spiritual experiences, good works, obedience, or church and religious activity make us right with God, then Jesus' death was unnecessary.

This was Paul's point of emphasis when he wrote to the Galatians in 2:21.

Paul writes:

"I do not set aside the grace of God, for if righteousness (forgiven and innocent before God) could be gained through the law (morality, disciplines, experiences, obedience, works, activities), then Christ died for nothing!"

That makes perfect sense.

If there is anything we can do to make ourselves right with God, then we do not need Jesus' death.

The fact is, apart from Jesus, we are all guilty (law-breakers) before God, and nothing we do makes us not guilty - innocent.

Therefore, we need grace, which is all that Jesus did for us through his death and resurrection.

Jesus took all of our guilt upon himself at the cross and offers us his righteousness...his innocence.

This is grace.

This grace is received through faith in Jesus.

Think about it.

Brad Robertson

Brad’s passion is to reach people with grace and teach people about grace. If you enjoy Brad’s posts, check out his books on Amazon. Also, please consider making a donation to Gracereach to reach more and more people with the good news of grace. Thank you.


Can A Believer Become Addicted To Sin?


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